Monday, April 8, 2013

Falling Off the Wagon

This past weekend I made some pretty questionable choices. I overslept tons, ate several things I shouldn't have (like onion rings from Whataburger, an enormous plate of Mexican food, and a big mac with fries), did not complete, nor start, any workouts- and subsequently felt like a big, sloth-like, sloppy slob.  

After a great week full of healthy, delicious food, tough workouts, and weight loss, I thought, "I have been exceptionally good, I deserve a treat," which incidentally served as a gateway thought to, "my diet is blown today anyway. Might as well go ahead and eat whatever I want." Each time I ate something detrimental to my success, I felt horrible- and not just mentally. I was bloated, and literally sick to my stomach. By Sunday night, I couldn't believe what I had done to myself, I knew better.
Instead of throwing myself a pity party and wallowing in my shame and guilt, which is precisely what I would have done a year ago, I decided to jump back on track. I put my shoes on and dove into week six's three-minute intervals. That's when I realized that I'm half way through my running program. How exciting is that?! Just one weekend off my game hardly means that the progress I've made so far is nil. This was a hard lesson to sink in, since it has taken upwards of 20 years to do so. 

I feel this is a beneficial time to go over a few of the reasons I started in the first place, and add a new one or two:
  1. To wear jeans again.
  2. Participate in a color run, and run the entire thing.
  3. To be a happy and healthy Momma for my baby Frank.

I'm still working on figuring out how to enjoy a "treat" every now and again without overindulging, or feeling the guilt. But I'm glad to have learned that falling off the wagon isn't the worst possible thing that can happen in a weight loss journey. It might even be an important step in the process. What really matters, though, is choosing to get back on.

Nobody can feel blue for long with this face around.

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