Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 8: Better Run Better Run

As of about ten minutes ago, I finished the third installment of week eight's running intervals- six minutes on, one minute off (x3). Week two, I ran a whopping five minutes per 20 minute running session. Now, I'm running 18! I'd definitely call that progress. Hooray! I've also noticed my clothes fitting a bit more loosely, and my face seems to be thinning out. Double hooray!
Me, in all of my post-run, sweat-drenched glory.
 We're coming up on weigh day #2, and I mean fast. I'm not sure how that's going to go. I've been eating pretty well, but I've also been slacking in my other workout areas because I spend every spare moment working on my photography as of late. However, I'm still pretty proud of myself for keeping up with the running. Not to mention, my favorite five-year-old asked me where my belly went. (Triple hooray?)

Anyway. I'll leave you with a few more of my favorite shots from the past week:

Mountain Man is growing rye, and had me photograph it.
And last but not least, this one is my favorite.

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